When it comes to bronzing powder I’m extremely fussy. I’ve tried everything from Benefit to Chanel and still not managed to find one that’s right. I don’t like powders with shimmer in, nor do I like those that are too heavy or too light (I meant it when I said I was fussy).
I generally don’t wear much makeup and usually only wear bronzer and mascara on a day-to-day basis, hence the reason that these products need to be perfect.
I decided to dedicate some time to looking around and testing several brands until I found the right one and luckily I succeeded. Bobbi Brown’s bronzing power matches my skin tone perfectly and provides just the right amount of coverage I need.
I have olive skin and purchased the powder in Medium, but with five shades to choose from I’m sure there will be something for everyone. So, for those who are as fussy as myself, Bobbi Brown is definitely worth a visit.
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